The San Mateo County Transportation Authority
The San Mateo County Transportation Authority was formed in 1988 with the passage of the voter-approved half-cent sales tax for countywide transportation ...
Expenditure Plans | SMCTA
Expenditure Plans
The expenditure plans outline the goals, guidelines and requirements for the expenditure of the sales tax revenues generated by Measure A.The plans,which were approved by voters, als...
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 | SMCTA
Strategic Plan 2020-2024
The purpose of the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is to provide the policy framework and guidance for implementing both the ongoing Me...
Strategic Plan 2020-2024 | SMCTA
San Carlos, CA 94070-1306
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Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports | SMCTA
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
The TA annually produces a Annual Comprehensive Financial Report which contains audited financial statements along with notes to those statements, management’s d...
2020-2024 Strategic Plan Overview | SMCTA
2020-2024 Strategic Plan Overview
The purpose of the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is to provide the policy framework and guidance for implementing both the o...