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Home | Special Minister of State
27 February 2019 Special Minister of State Alex Hawke today confirmed that he had changed regulations regarding the way communications allowances can be spent by parliamentarians. 14 January 2019 The ...
Reforms to strengthen the electoral system and our democracy | Special Minister of State
Activists seeking to influence election outcomes will no longer be able to shroud their electoral expenditure in secrecy, and will face tough rules that ban foreign donations from influencing Australi...
Ministerial Responsibilities | Special Minister of State
The Special Minister of State has particular responsibility for the following:
Enrolling to vote and updating enrolment details will be easier for Australians | Special Minister
The Special Minister of State, Senator the Hon Don Farrell, has approved changes allowing Australians to use Medicare cards and Australian citizenship certificates to prove their identity for their en...
New laws to strengthen electoral integrity and transparency | Special Minister of State
Significant reforms to strengthen Australia’s electoral integrity and transparency are now law with the following four Bills receiving Royal Assent this week:
- 2022 Publications | Special Minister of State