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SMR, one of the largest manufacturers of exterior rearview mirrors for passenger cars in the world.
Welcome to SMR - Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec (SMR) is one of the largest manufacturers of rearview mirrors for passenger cars in the world. The company develops, ...
Lonsdale :: SMR Automotive
Rolling hills, world famous vineyards and stunning beaches Lonsdale is based south of Adelaide, South Australia, within the City of Onkaparinga. Lonsdale is located close to various wine and food reg...
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Land of the Black Jaguars A city of roughly 55,000 inhabitants situated 120km northwest of São Paulo, Jaguariúna offers a taste of city life while maintaining the charm of a small town. Its proximity ...
Stuttgart :: SMR Automotive
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Nagoya :: SMR Automotive
One of Japan’s largest manufacturing cities Nagoya, located in the heart of Japan and blessed with beautiful scenery, is an ideal base for exploring the historic towns and is also one of Japan's leadi...