SN&N Electronics, Inc.
Through applied physics and modern engineering processes, we turn ideas
into working products and solutions that transform everyday life around the
world. SN&N Electronics, Inc. was founded by Dr....
SN&N Electronics, Inc.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a ...
SN&N Electronics, Inc.
Chin Yang Lui
Charges as small as 1 pC degrade the performance of high precision inertial reference instruments when accumulated on their test masses (TMs). Non-contact charge manage...
SN&N Electronics, Inc.
We offer a range of engineering services to help you bring your product
from concept to market. Our services include electrical, firmware,
software, laser, optical, and mechanical engineering. Our...
SN&N Electronics, Inc.
Come listen to our seminars, where experts from academia and industry give
talks on wide-ranging topics of current interest in biotechnology, space
sciences, physics, astronomy, photonics, softwar...
SN&N Electronics, Inc.
At the heart of innovation is intelligent design. For every great
engineered idea, there are motivated people who worked tirelessly to turn
that idea into a tangible product.