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Soil Health - Research
Research My Account Research on soil science These articles describe the findings of soil research that has been published in scientific journals. Each article begins with a brief summary of the resea...
Soil Health - Management
Management My Account Question 1. What are the 10 guidelines for managing the biological fertility of soil? Each of the guidelines below relates to one of the 10 key principles of soil biological fert...
Soil Health - Measuring soil organisms
Measuring Soil Organisms Question 1. How can the number of microorganisms in a soil be measured? The whole mass of living organisms in soil is called its microbial biomass. The microbial biomass can b...
Soil Health - Soil animals
Soil Animals Question 1. What are soil animals and what are the main types? Soil animals are an extremely diverse group of organisms. Soil animals are grouped into three groups roughly according to th...
Soil Health
Soil Health My Account The primary objective of is to answer common questions regarding soil biological processes, organic matter, soil organisms and the soil management practices that...
Soil Health - Fertility
Fertility My Account Question 1. What is soil fertility? Soil fertility is the capacity of soil to support plant growth and the many beneficial processes that occur in soil. Soil fertility is the comb...