Pregnancy After Loss — sometimes, always, never
Last week, I shared on Instagram that Chris and I are expecting a baby in September. We are thrilled, overjoyed and feeling so very grateful. I wrote this post at 17 weeks. Today, I’m almost 21 wee...
5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care — sometimes, always, never
I recently joked that I wish self-care had been a college course, but, the truth is, I would have failed miserably. In college, I would have told you self-care was for the weak. For those who couldn'...
Good Begets Good — sometimes, always, never
When McCoy was just an itty bitty newborn, my sisters told me over and over: sleep begets sleep. Every time he'd take an extra long nap, I'd repeat this mantra in my mind. Last week, I was listening...
Stop Looking for What You Had Before — sometimes, always, never
After our honeymoon to Greece , Chris and I were on the same page: we were definitely going back someday or we were never going back at all. We were in total agreement that we were entirely unsure....
sometimes, always, never
For a few months, I thought winter was going to forfeit its seat this year, finally relenting to my lifelong wish to go from fall to spring. But here we are, the last full week of January, and it fina...
You Deserve to Be Pursued — sometimes, always, never
You deserve to be pursued. You deserve to be pursued. You deserve to be pursued. If there is one thing I want to tell my friends, my clients, my future daughter, it's this: you deserve to be pursued...