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Contact - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
Contact The best way to get in touch is to send an email to For clients: Please read the details about the procedure and costs here first. Prices for couple and family consultati...
6 questions for an online therapist - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
As an online therapist there are some questions I get asked a lot. Here are some answers... How do I switch off? Do I like some clients more than others?...
Workshops & Events - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
Workshops & Events Workshops & Events From mental health for the globally mobile to online counselling and digital nomad life. Find out more about my workshops and talks. Workshops & Talks As much as ...
Blog - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
Blog Welcome to my blog! Here you will find articles sharing insights into my online counselling work, therapeutic stories, exercises to improve your mental health and well-being, as well as glimpse...
Choice Points: What they are and how to use them for positive change - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
In this article I describe what choice points are and how to use them for a positive change and to live the life you truely want to live.
Press - Dr. Sonia Jaeger
Lesen Sie, was Klienten über die Psychologische Onlineberatung von Dr. Sonia Jaeger sagen! Sowie Links zu Interviews und Berichten über die Arbeit als...