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Couples Retreats, Denver | The Center for Soul Actualization
“We come together as playful, vulnerable, passionate souls, co-creating magic and inspiring transformative loving and extraordinary living.” This has been the “mission statement” of our marriage for t...
Shadow Coaching , Denver | The Center for Soul Actualization
Shadow Coaching: When you are committed to Transformation Shadow Coaching works with uncovering the hidden blocks that are keeping you from your goals. Sometimes we have blind spots that we can’t see ...
Testimonials , Denver | The Center for Soul Actualization
This work is so powerful! Jeannie and Mark have an amazing gift in facilitating Shadow Work®. I felt like I was given a fertile and sacred space to explore my fears and dreams and as a result left fee...
Shadow Work, Denver | The Center for Soul Actualization
Shadow Work®- Finding freedom from limitations | Shadow Work® in Denver and Boulder, Colorado. Shadow Work® is a process to bring your authentic self out of “shadow” and into the light...
Voice Dialogue Coaching, Denver | The Center for Soul Actualization
Voice Dialogue Coaching: Awareness, New Choices and Change Voice Dialogue is a powerful coaching technique to help us step into different parts of ourselves and give them voice in order to gain clarit...
The Shadow Of Love - What Gets In Your Way
Work towards healing your shadow of love so that you can attract and keep love in your life. Shadow Work® Colorado supports your growth and evolution in love and relationships.