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Spectrum Screen Printing Studios P/L | Complete design and print consultant service
Located in Shepparton Central Victoria. Complete design and print consultant service, specialists in screen printed vinyl stickers, digital vinyl stickers, Corflute signs, metal signs, and digital fla...
About Us | Spectrum Screen Printing Studios P/L
Browse our web site for more information on our products range. Our small studio is staffed with qualified personnel and we have the specialised equipment required to produce consistent high quality i...
Products | Spectrum Screen Printing Studios P/L
Check out the latest Garment Catalogues online and contact us for an obligation free quote on your print requirements
Full Colour Printing | Spectrum Screen Printing Studios P/L
Full Colour Printing With over forty years experience in the printing industry we know all about colour printing. Our expertise and trade contacts are at your service when you call. We can design and ...
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Garment Printing | Spectrum Screen Printing Studios P/L
Garment Printing Browse through our online catalogues and you’ll find hundreds of styles available for printing or embroidery. Larger images or bold text are best screen printed, smaller logos can be ...