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Popular pages
Billing and Insurance Policy - Speech Pathology Center
At Speech Pathology Center, we consider it an honor that you have given us the opportunity to work with family. It is our goal to meet and exceed your expectations. In order to help you understand...
AAC - Speech Pathology Center offers a wonderful variety of wonderful resources for parents and professionals The AAC Resources Network - The Center for...
HIPPA Policy/Privacy Notice - Speech Pathology Center
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. The Health Insurance Portability &...
Resources for Families - Speech Pathology Center
We hope to make this page a wonderful resource for your family. Check back often to see what has been added! Help for Families National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)...
Online Booking/Payments - Speech Pathology Center
Speech Pathology Center is pleased to offer online booking and payments thru our patient portal. New and current clients are invited to create an account using the secure form found at the link...
Swallowing Therapy - Speech Pathology Center
Dysphagia symptoms include: