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Services | Spell Hub. Brining the occult to life.
[themify_button style="large purple rounded" link="" ]View Shopping Cart[/themify_button] Mini Oracle Service Need a quick answer to a pressing question? Don't need a...
Crystals | Spell Hub. Brining the occult to life.
Posts about Crystals written by shmastergru
The Newest and Online Oracle | Spell Hub. Brining the occult to life.
Today I would like to announce the completed development of the spell hub oracle platform. This platform is free for anyone to use and currently provides both a yi-ching reading and tarot card mini sp...
Maman Brigitte: Vodou Goddess of The Dead | Spell Hub. Brining the occult to life.
In Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo, the supreme creator of all things is Bondye, or “Good God”. Bondye is a distant deity that is far too busy with divine circumstances to be bothered with the day ...
The Faeries’ Oracle: Tobaira of the Waters | Spell Hub. Brining the occult to life.
This is Tobaira of the Waters. She and her helpers make it their work to purify the faery waters that help us to remain calm and rejuvenate us. The book makes mention of healing springs and wells foun...