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spiderbytes | This is a blog about spiders.
This is a blog about spiders.
The global spread of misinformation on spiders | spiderbytes
This post is a summary of a recently-published paper (and related open-access dataset) that was a very fun collaboration led by Stefano Mammola, Angela Chuang, Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte and 61 other …
Recluse or Not? | spiderbytes
Recluse spiders, also known as violin spiders or brown spiders (genus Loxosceles), are widely feared and generally misunderstood. If you think you’ve found one and would like more information, you’…
my research | spiderbytes
new paper that was a collaboration with my partner in life and science, Sean McCann! It’s the shortest paper I’ve ever written, and also my favourite scientific contribution so far. Written in a styl...
Spider Hunters! | spiderbytes
Latest News: We recently held livestream about our candy-striped spider project hosted by Travis McEnery (of the Spiders in Your House youtube channel)! You can watch the recording any time to lear…
Oecobiidae | spiderbytes
Last week a colleague of mine found a tiny spider we didn’t recognize in the biology building at UTSC. We regularly find common house-dwelling spiders in and around the buildings on campus (m…