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Welcome To Witchcraft Heights Elementary School In Salem, MA
Find the various programs, school culture, and demographics offered at the Witchcraft Heights Elementary School, providing a positive environment for K-5.
Background - Witchcraft Heights Elementary School
Overview Witchcraft Heights is the largest elementary school in Salem and the only school in the nation with this name. We are proud to serve over 400 students, representing over...
Read News & Current Happenings At Witchcraft Elementary School
Find the latest news, announcements, and current happenings at the Witchcraft Elementary School and throughout the Salem Public Schools district.
About Witchcraft Elementary School | Our Mission & Vision
Read a breakdown of our school's mission and vision to create a culture of curious, independent, and passionate learners, and find a message from Principal Carmona.
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! - Witchcraft Heights Elementary School
August 22, 2022 Dear Salem families, We are thrilled to welcome all of you to the 2022-23 school year in the Salem Public Schools! We are excited about the opportunities...
Kindergarten Program - Witchcraft Heights Elementary School
WATCH: Early Childhood Virtual Expo Town Hall *** Children residing in Salem that are turning 5 years old on or before August 31 are eligible to start kindergarten in the...