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Home - Spunprint
Home SPUNPRINT (PTY) LIMITED specialises in the printing and manufacturing of various products, using non-woven polypropylene fabric (spunbond) responding to South African legislation restricting the ...
Printing - Spunprint
Printing and Flat bed Screen printing. Screen printing is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil. A design is imposed on the mesh with blank areas coated with ...
Spunbond - Spunprint
Spunbond Spunbond is a nonwoven fabric made from 1 00% pure polypropylene. Polypropylene pellets are melted and extruded into fine fibres which in turn are laid and bonded to form spunbond fabric. The...
Contact - Spunprint
Contact Kwa-Zulu Natal, 4300
Stitchbond - Spunprint
Stitchbond How STITCHBOND IS made… Stitch bond nonwoven fabric is made from the plastic bottles (PET), processed into recycled loose fiber (staple ), these loose or staple fibres are made from “plast...
Recycling - Spunprint
Recycling At Spunprint we are serious about keeping our beautiful country clean and supporting our economy. Our spunbond products are 100% recyclable. So what? Recycling benefits both the environment ...