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Spur Design
Spur designs posters, covers, logos, brochures, websites, and more for non-profit organizations, publishers and corporations. We build identities and define styles that make our clients get notice...
About Us — Spur Design
We design posters, covers, logos, brochures, websites, and more for non-profit organizations, publishers and corporations. We build identities and define styles that make our clients get noticed. Sin...
Apps — Spur Design
* Text based, verbal and visual prompts throughout * A narrator to guide your child through the app Requirements: * Compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch PrestoBingo Colors provides an introduct...
Social — Spur Design
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Spur Design — Blog — Spur Design
A few weeks back I was contacted by John Flansburgh of the indie rock band They Might be Giants to put together a stop motion animated video loosely based on a rough animatic by artist David Cowles fo...
Directory of Illustration — Spur Design
Art direction and book design for Serbin Communication's annual Directory of Illustration compiling a library of illustrator portfolios. Directory of Illustration 32 cover by: Olaf Hajek Directory...