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Buy SquintMaster the ultimate strabismus software
Please mail hardware fingerprint along with payment by PayPal or Demand Draft / at par cheque(for India only) to buy Squintmaster Software. After receiving your payment through Paypal,the unique key ...
Download Ophthalmology Sofwares by Dr Sudhir Singh
Download SquintMaster( Strabismus Software),Pediatric Cataract Management System Software,Pachymetry based IOP Correcting Software,These Softwares are dedisned and developed by Dr Sudhir Singh.M.S.Opt...
Infantile Esotropia,Clinical features and Its management by Dr Sudhir
Infantile Esotropia Clinical features: 1.Onset between birth and six months of age. 2. Large size (greater than 30 dioptres). 3. Stable size. 4. Either alternation or fixation preference may be presen...
V patterns Esotropia and Exotropia and their management by Dr
Sudhir Singh
If exotropia is atleast 15 prism diopter more in up gaze ( 25 degree up) than the down gaze (35 degree) then it called as V pattern exotropia.
Fluorescein angiography is a fundal photography, performed in rapid
sequence following intravenous
Indications of Fluorescein Angiography, Age related macular degeneration , Cystoid macular edema. ,Neovascularizations. , Diabetic retinopathy,Central serous choroidoretinopathy ,Artery and vein o...
Strabismus tutorials
DVD was described in George Stevens in 1895,The dissociated eye not only elevates but excycloducts. When the fellow eye is covered, the dissociated eye returns to primary position with a corrective i...