Student Services | Home
The Student Services team is made up of qualified and experienced staff, managers, counselors, health care workers, as well as some trained student assistants. All of us have one daily goal: yo...
Welcome | Student Services
GET STARTED AT COM! The Welcome Center is a one-stop service hub for new and returning students to get connected with campus programs and resources. Our friendly staff and student ambassadors are read...
Home | Student Services
Undocumented Student Services strives to create a supportive and welcoming environment for all undocumented students. Our goal is to provide students with the guidance, services and resources needed t...
Home | Student Services
The Transfer andCareer Center offers information, resources, and activities to ensure students have access to all educational opportunities. Transfer Students can explore majors, college campuses, tra...
Home | Student Services
The Tutoring and Learning Center offers tutoring nearly all academic courses offered at College of Marin. Our services are provided FREE of charge for all registered COM students. Tutoring sessions fo...
Home | Student Services
The Career Center hosts events and offers information and resources to help students find employment and learning opportunities. We host Workshops to help students with the job search process...everyt...