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20th Reunion
4th Row: 3rd Row up: Tara Gilligan-Stevens, Brian Farris, Deven Taylor-Farris, Don Blackhurst, Jennifer Greene-Blackhurst, Nancy Parella-Moran, Debbie Garner-Oshman, Teri Ellis-Roth, Ken Rich, Jef...
25th Reunion
Back Row 4 Row 3 = ?, Michelle Stankovich, April Arndt Montello, Art Armendariz, Nicki Diankoff Lawrence, Jackie Lonero Bidinost, Lisa Crocket, Danell Albericci Lanphear, Tom Chambers, Row 2 =...
Alumni Found
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80's Music
Best Rock Female Best Rock Male Best Pop Duo/Group Best Pop Female Best Pop Male Record of the Year Best Song of the Year : “We are the World”, USA for Africa, ...
In Memory Of
Santa Teresa Class of 1986 Alumni Memorial