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Personal Online Services - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
Critical tasks are in one location so you can schedule automatic payments in advance, set up reminders, and more. Faster PaymentsSame-day or overnight payment capabilities translate to the fastest pay...
Campus Branch - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
Campus Branch Drive Thru In October 2020, State Nebraska Bank & Trust opened its new SNBuilding, a 14,000-square-foot facility across from Wayne State College. This state-of-the art building is home ...
Business Online Services - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
E-Statements Skip the paperwork and increase the convenience with our E-Statements. View them anytime when you log into our Online Banking. Remote Deposit Bringing the bank to you. Scan and electroni...
Our People - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
Our People OUR PEOPLE Meet our SNB Family, the people who work every day to provide excellent banking service while investing in their community. Hear in their own words. why being part of State Nebr...
Personal Rates - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
Current as of 9/5/23 Rates may change at anytime. Please call us for any questions on today’s current rates at 402.375.1130 Minimum Community Banker
Blue Devil Branch - State Nebraska Bank & Trust of Wayne, Nebraska
Blue Devil Branch FUTURE dollars saved After four years of operation at the SNB Blue Devil Branch, 350 students have opened savings accounts at school, made 5,800 deposits, and saved $27,000. Along th...