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STERF – Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation
If you are looking for a specific report or article, please get in touch with Karin Schmidt, Communications, and it will be sent to you by e-mail. If you have questions regard...
| STERF - Scandinavian Turfgrass Environment Research Foundation. Ready-to-use research
Voices from the conference - short video interviews Maria Strandberg, Director at STERF, about her expectations on ITRC2022, new perspective, new knowledge and multifunctional golf courses (Swedish) S...
Research programme
| STERF - Scandinavian Turfgrass Environment Research Foundation. Ready-to-use
STRATEGIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The golf and turfgrass industry, like other land-based industries, has to take responsibility for sustainable societal development, i.e. it must produce golf courses and ...
| STERF - Scandinavian Turfgrass Environment Research Foundation. Ready-to-use research
Library In the Library section we collect a lot of our publications, especially those that are produced as practical handbooks, brochures and articles ready to use for magazines . They...
Call for proposals
| STERF - Scandinavian Turfgrass Environment Research Foundation. Ready-to-use
The vision of the foundation is : to produce golf courses of a high standard while at the same time ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and contributing to functioning ecosystems and a ...