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Microfluidic Chips - Products
Products close At Micronit, we develop and manufacture numerous different chips, flow cells and nozzles. A selection of them can be bought ‘off the shelf’ in our webstore. We have the following range ...
Micromixers | Micronit
Micromixing is an important sample preparation step on lab-on-a-chip platforms. At Micronit we offer separate micromixers in our web store.
Microfluidic chips
Microfluidic chips Microfluidic chips At Micronit, we develop and manufacture numerous different chips, flow cells and nozzles. A selection of them can be bought ‘off the shelf’ in our webstore. We ha...
Microfluidic starter kit; an easy start in microfluidics
Start your research safe and easy with the Micronit Microfluidic starter kit
Chip holders
Chip holders Chip holders At Micronit, we make both customer-specific chip holders and ‘universal’ holders that can be used for many of our chips. Three types of these universal holders are for sale i...
Flow cells
Flow cells are microfluidic chips with one or more channels of a certain length that guide the fluid. Inlets and outlets allow a continuous flow. The dimensions of the microfluidic channels can be in ...