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StreetsLA Permits | Bureau of Street Services
In response to COVID-19 StreetsLA Public Counters are closed.
Street Sweeping Near Me | Bureau of Street Services
Register for notifications about sweeping in your neighborhood Street cleaning is one way that StreetsLA enhances the quality of life for all. The most familiar of our cleaning activities is our fleet...
Urban Forestry Division | Bureau of Street Services
David Miranda Division Manager Hector Banuelos Policy, Permits & Administration Manager The City of Los Angeles, StreetsLA, Urban Forestry Division is responsible for a significant portion of the urba...
What We Do | Bureau of Street Services
In line with our Bureau's goals to create a safe, livable and sustainable, prosperous and well-run city, StreetsLA performs a wide range of planning, construction, maintenance, and enforcement activit...
Organization Overview | Bureau of Street Services
Keith Mozee Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) Executive Director and General Manager See Biography X Keith Mozee Keith Mozee, a Los Angeles native and veteran of the U.S. Army, began his city car...
Find Street Sweeping Day By Address | Bureau of Street Services
Street cleaning is one way that StreetsLA enhances the quality of life for all. The most familiar of our cleaning activities is our fleet of street sweepers, staffed by authorized full-time Motor Swee...