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Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Ihr Partner rund ums Studium mit 5 Mensen, 7 Cafeterien, 19 Wohnheimen, Beratungsangeboten & Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen in Magdeburg, Stendal, Wernigerode, Halberstadt und Friedensau.
Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Vote for your Semester Ticket! Do you want to stay with the current semester ticket for your location in Magdeburg, Stendal or the Harz region? Or switch to the Deutschland Semester Ticket from winter...
Accommodation | Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Make yourselves at home! For a successful studying process the general conditions have to be suitable as well. The Studentenwerk Magdeburg offers 1,658 places with individual equipment features in th...
Application Form | Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Application Form If you would like to rent a room in one of our student halls or move within them, you need to submit a request. The request must be submitted exclusively via our new online applicatio...
Wohnen | Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Fühlen Sie sich zu Hause! Damit Studieren gelingt, müssen auch die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen. Das Studentenwerk Magdeburg bietet in Magdeburg und Wernigerode 1.658 Wohnheimplätze mit individuellen Au...
in Magdeburg | Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Our dormitories in Magdeburg The "Ottostadt" is an internationally recognized location for science and research and attracts up to 18,000 students to university and university of applied science every...