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Were You Scammed - Student Loan Scam
Were You Scammed If you think that you’ve been scammed and wish to cease operation with one of these companies to work directly with your federal student loan servicer, these steps can help you report...
Protect Yourself - Student Loan Scam
Protect Yourself How to Spot a Student Loan Scam (Red Flags) Signs that you are being targeted. These are red flags! Contacted via phone, text or email by a company other than your federal student l...
Real Scam Stories - Student Loan Scam
Real Scam Stories Susan Susan paid a document preparation company $699 to consolidate her federal student loans. Susan already had four years of qualifying payments toward loan forgiveness on an incom...
Report Scam - Student Loan Scam
Report Scam If you think that you’ve been scammed, these steps can help you report the issue and regain control of your student loans: Report the Company to the Following Your federal student loan ser...
The Scam - Student Loan Scam
The Scam Companies known as debt relief, document preparation or consolidation preparers charge fees for their services. They may compare themselves to a tax preparer and try to convince you that stud...
About - Student Loan Scam
About provides information about how debt relief and document preparation companies work and how to protect yourself. We set out to educate student loan borrowers by providing info...