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Studio76 – We are a fully operational video production studio of Weber State University.
Making Your Media Studio 76 is a fully operational video production studio. We aim to engage, inform and entertain our fellow Wildcats. We operate WildcatONE on the campus IPTV sys...
Meet Our Staff | Studio76
What We Do Studio 76 is a fully operational video production studio. We operate WildcatONE (Channel 1) on the campus IPTV system. We produce a wide variety of shows as we hone our digital...
Studio 76 LIVE | Studio76
Studio 76 LIVE | Studio76 ...
Staff Positions | Studio76
Here are the details for each position we are looking to fill You can apply by filling out the form below. Applications are due by Midnight SATURDAY March 17th, 2018. Executive Producer: the Executive...
Dormented: Behind the Scenes | Studio76
It’s been a long journey as what started as an idea became a high-quality production that took the efforts of many of Studio 76’s members. We’ve seen our characters, Alex and Jessie grow and bond thro...
I Dreamed We Were Heroes | Studio76
Sometimes a song is too serious to be taken seriously. This was originally planned to be a serious video with no humor whatsoever, but when we arrived on set to start filming we realized how hilarious...