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About | Study New York | Welcome To New York
Study New York works with its member colleges, universities, and partners to promote New York State internationally as the premier education destination.
Study Options | Study New York | Welcome To New York
The right fit will help make your stay and your studies more productive. Some background about the diversity of higher education in New York State may help.
Degrees | Study New York | Welcome To New York
Learn about the various degrees offered by NY institutions.
Travel | Study New York | Welcome To New York
Come to New York State for an adventure you’ll never forget, both in and out of the classroom. New York is an outstanding place for international students to experience America.
Study | Study New York | Welcome To New York
The universities and colleges in New York State feature many of the nation’s top programs and research facilities at private independent, public, religious, or special purpose institutions.
Visa Information | Study New York | Welcome To New York
Your visa is an important document which may allow you to enter and leave the United States as well as to perform all of the activities and functions which bring you to the country in the first place.