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Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service
Please, verify the URL for this page begins with For security reasons, please log out and exit your web browser when you are done accessing services that req...
Application For Academic Positions
Please use the "Browse" button to upload your files. The file ...
IICEC NEWS ROUND-UP | November & December 2020
The IICEC News Round-Up is a special bi-monthly product of IICEC to provide latest news and headlines about IICEC activities. Turkey Energy Outlook 2020 IICEC published the Turkey Energy Outlook (TEO)...
IICEC NEWS ROUND-UP | September & October 2020
IICEC's "Turkey Energy Outlook 2020" will be released on 23rd November The IICEC Turkey Energy Outlook (TEO) will be launched in November. The TEO features two Scenarios, detailed projections out to ...
FASS Newsletter, Issue: 22
As an inter- and transdisciplinary PhD program, Gender Studies at Sabanci University investigates how relations of gender and sexuality are embedded in social, political, economic, and cultural format...
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