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Suddenly Single Money | About Suddenly Single Money
Who is Suddenly Single Money and what do we do? Simply, we help guide you through the bereavement, separation or divorce process. Some people enjoy good support from their friends and famil...
Suddenly Single Money | 7 things I wish I'd known when I was suddenly single
1. Stay Calm Now is the time to avoid panic. You may not be able to change or influence what is happening, but we can provide strategies to assist your response. You may be ‘Suddenly Single’ due to a ...
Suddenly Single Money | About Lynn Burns
About Lynn Burns Lynn Burns has been working in the UK financial services industry since 1978 and has been advising clients on a one-to-one basis since 1984. Fully Diploma ...
Suddenly Single Money | Suddenly Single blog
If there’s one thing losing my lovely son has taught me, it’s that life doesn’t stop for anyone. While the world has kept turning, I’ve been rooted in place. Bereavement has taken me on a journey I ...
Suddenly Single Money | Suddenly Single blog | Better out than in!
Posted by Lynn Burns on April 21 2016 at 11:17 As some of you know (or may not know) my lovely, twenty two year old son, Sam was murdered in October 2013. A senseless unnecessary waste of a young life...
Suddenly Single Money | Contact Suddenly Single Money
Contact Lynn Burns of Suddenly Single Money now for a free initial consultation. You can call Lynn on 07976 900 803, or email – or just fill in the form below. Your name: