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Blue Sunshine® Soft Polishing Cloths Store - Bulk, Prepackaged, Tubes
The Blue Sunshine® soft polishing cloth bulk, wrapped and tubes. The prepackaged and bulk blue come in 3 sizes; small, medium & large.
The Yellow Polishing Cloth - Bulk, Packaged, Tubes
Original YELLOW Sunshine ® polishing cloths safely clean and polish jewelry. Yellow Individually Wrapped, Bulk and Tubes.
Free Samples of Sunshine Polishing Cloths - pink, blue and yellow
We offer free samples of our sunshine polishing cloths. You get 1 of each color and we include directions for us. You just pay for shipping and handling.
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer lots of your frequently asked questions about sunshine polishing cloths pink yellow and blue here...
Bulk Blue Sunshine® soft polishing cloths - Unwrapped/Unbagged
The BLUE Sunshine® soft sterling silver polishing cloth is softer than the original yellow cloth- small medium and large - 3 sizes.
Shipping Sunshine Polishing Cloths
Shipping Blue, Yellow and Pink Sunshine Polishing Cloths