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Superior Flux Product Categories - Superior Flux & Mfg. Co.
Superior Flux offers products in the following main categories: soldering (industrial and electronics), automotive, SMT pastes, brazing, and welding flux.
Superior No. 30 SuperSafe Soldering Flux for General Purpose Soldering
Superior No. 30 Supersafe Flux has been widely used since the 1950s. This organic acid flux is used in a variety of soldering applications.
Finding a Flux by Application | Superior Flux & Mfg. Co.
Finding the right flux can be difficult, but by knowing your application, you can get started with the product for you. Just consult this easy to use table.
General Powder Brazing Fluxes | Superior Flux & Mfg. Co.
Brazing fluxes in powder form can be used for copper and brass as well as higher temperature metals such as steels and high chromium alloys.
RubyFluid Liquid and Paste Flux | Superior Flux & Mfg. Co.
In 2010 Superior Flux purchased Ruby Chemical, makers of RubyFluid Liquid and Paste Flux, a well loved soldering flux for stained glass and roofing.
Flux Specifications Created by Superior Flux - Superior Flux & Mfg. Co.
Learn how we are working with customers in the Aerospace business, Government and other military contracts to create flux specifications.