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Menu | Surf House
Browse our menu to find your preferred dish ~ whether it's crab cakes, burritos, a salad, or our famous Dude burger, we're sure you'll find something to cure your hunger!
About Us | Surf House
We opened our doors in 2016 to give Frederick something new to eat. With unique tropical dishes & a beachy ambiance, we have brought your vacation to your backyard.
Gallery | Surf House
See for yourself why we're one of Frederick's favorite restaurants!
Fullscreen Page | Surf House
Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Surf House Island Cantina, Island style cuisine, craft beer, seafood restaurant in frederick, cantina frederick, Frederick Maryland re...
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Bourbon County Tap Takeover | Surf House
<p>The legendary Bourbon County Stout from Goose Island was one of the first 100-pointers on BeerAdvocate, and is currently the #5 Stout and #9 Overall on their site! Enjoy the 2018 & 2020 now at our ...