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Astrology – Susan Heinz
Transformative Visions
Planetary Alignments for 2022 – Susan Heinz
We continue in the tensional relationship (begun at the start of 2021) between Saturn, (structure, stability, tradition, control, constriction and master teacher) and Uranus (sudden change, rebellion,...
Featured on home page – Susan Heinz
2023 is a dynamic year of endings and new beginnings. The year begins with deep review, fine tuning and picks up momentum in March, as 3 planetary shifts take place and 3 more by July. 2023 is the yea...
Planetary Alignments for 2021 – Susan Heinz
Jupiter and Saturn conjoined on December 21st 2020 and entered Aquarius, The Great Mutation -A New Era Begins. New structures, technology, and social values evolve with focus on community, social just...
Current Transits – Susan Heinz
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Stars Wisdom for July 2021 – Susan Heinz
In these transitional times the Warrior planet, Mars, now heats things up. Mars in fiery Leo, boils the alchemical waters of challenge and change, as it creates a circuit of aspects with Saturn and Ur...