www.svetusvet.com: 2015
A fine day for a long walk through the old streets of the city. It seems to me that everything in here is steeped in legends and thoroughly imbued with spirit of the past. I feel like I see through th...
www.svetusvet.com: Fenerbahce park in February
This is one of my favorite places. Fenerbahche Park. No doubt, the best time of year to take a walk in this park is spring - April and Ma...
www.svetusvet.com: The voice of the grasshopper
Here in Istanbul is almost summer. Spring is really gorgeous in here, it's time of sunny hot days, late dinners on the summer terraces, ba...
www.svetusvet.com: July 2015
The rain is driving against the windows all day long, incredibly large pools formed on the lawn and the clouds shaped a veil over city. This black asphalt and wide puddles, leaden skies and dampness, ...
www.svetusvet.com: May 2015
Some people think that technology will save the world, some others think that technology will ruin the society. In the world today people have forgotten how to think clearly, see the beauty of the wor...
www.svetusvet.com: June 2014
Because of this endless rain all shades of green liven up the whole nature in its summer drapery, the air is so wet and leaden clouds hang so low overhead, that it seems like they scratch the roofs. A...