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Visit us | The Swanage Pier Trust
History of Swanage Pier in Dorset
Swanage Pier Trust | The Swanage Pier Trust
Swanage Pier is a restored Victorian seaside pier in Dorset. History, educational visits, filming, photography, strolling, fishing, scuba diving, boat berth and mooring, commemorative brass plaques
Opening and Parking | The Swanage Pier Trust
New Year’s Day: 10am - 2pm Summer April – September During the summer months Swanage Pier is normally open from 9am-5pm weekdays and 7am to 5pm at the weekend. On a summer's evening, one of the fines...
Swanage Pier Trust | The Swanage Pier Trust
Read all about it in our news archive
Learning | The Swanage Pier Trust
As well as being a tourist attraction and a place of interes t, Swanage Pier is a great site for educational visits. We welcome group visits from all over the country, even the world. Use our prominen...
Timeline | The Swanage Pier Trust
History of Swanage Pier