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The Imperial Remnant The Imperial Remnant is an empire formed from the unified holdings and rump states of various Imperial Warlords who had ruled
Jedi Classes | Swbattlerpg
Admin note: All Jedi with a melee weapon get a +2 to armor class due to Jedi skills and deflection training. Jedi may also make one lightsaber attack and use one force ability per turn.
Understanding the Setting | Swbattlerpg
This room is primarily rooted in the Star Wars universe (that existed up to the point in which Disney took ownership of said universe) but also draws from other works of science fiction and fantasy
Races | Swbattlerpg
Abyssin The Abyssin inhabit the planet Byss. They are a nomadic race, often described as "brutish and violent." They stand approximately two meters tall and have a humanoid appearance, with lon
Room Setting | Swbattlerpg
This chat takes place at about 30 ABY (After the battle of Yavin) The galactic civil war is at an end and the galaxy is in a time of relative peace. Crime lords have flourished while the govern