Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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SyferLock Technology
GridSoftToken™ is available as a native app on both iOS, Android & BlackBerry phones and tablets. It is also available as a Java Web Start application on Windows, Linux and Mac OS
Partners | SyferLock - Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions
United States, Europe & Asia Avatier provides highly secured and easy to use information management and access governance products. Avatier's headquarters are located in the San Francisco Ba...
Our Methodology to Deliver Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication | SyferLock - Two-Factor & Multi
Utilize and Leverage the Existing Password SyferLock starts with the first factor. Leverage the pervasive use of passwords. It is estimated that 99% of all authentications use static passwords or PINs...
About SyferLock | SyferLock - Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions
SyferLock is an innovative provider of next-generation authentication and security solutions. SyferLock’s patented software-based authentication and security solutions enable enterprises and governmen...
GridSoftToken™ | SyferLock - Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions
GridSoftToken™ two-factor authentication solution enables users to leverage their existing computer, laptop or smartphone as the 2nd factor for authentication. Users already “have” their device, why n...
GridLite™ | SyferLock - Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions
GridLite™ GridLite™ is a multi-factor authentication deployment model that supports embedding the SyferLock authentication grid into an HTML page. The embedded component is built using Javascript and ...