Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Synap Editor |
Reborn as HTML Document Import Without installing any applications or plugins, you can edit original files like MS Word, Excel, ODT files in HTML. When the original document are reborn as HTML, you ca...
Synap Editor Documentation - Synap Editor Documentation - Synap Editor Documentation
Please check the Installation Guide and API Guide to easily apply SynapEditor to your service. Various plugins such as Personal Data Protection and Web Spell Check will allow you to create quality c...
Installation - Synap Editor Documentation - Synap Editor Documentation
2. Configuration 2.1 License Configuration Open the synapeditor.config.js file and designate the path for license.json file. The path for license.json file should be accessible via the browser. synape...
Initializing SynapEditor - Synap Editor Documentation - Synap Editor Documentation
new SynapEditor('synapEditor'); Additional preferences can be set as an element while creating the Editor object, or through a separate configuration file. Configuration through Object Creation window...
Synap Editor 2.2.0 - Synap Editor Documentation - Synap Editor Documentation
Synap Editor version 2.2.0 has been released. Configuration file has been changed to synapeditor.config.js and the feature to designate the default style has been added to the configuration file. Majo...
Editor Initialization - Synap Editor Demo - Synap Editor Documentation
When SynapEditor object is generated, synapEditorConfig object (defined in synapeditor.config.js file) shall be transferred. Javascript (v2.2.0 or above) <script src='