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Tango teachers in Cincinnati
1569 Chase Avenue, at the intersection with Hamilton, 2nd floor. In addition to the teachers mentioned below, both Tango del Barrio and Tango Northside will often bring in some of the finest teachers...
History of Argentine Tango in Cincinnati, Ohio
A Timeline of the early days, 1985 - 2000 1985 - Richard Powers (who founded the Flying Cloud Academy of Vintage Dance in Cincinnati in 1978), began teaching early twentieth-century Ragtime Tango in...
Links to Argentine tango sites
Flare takes place in current times. Now available on AMAZON! This site is offered for informational purposes only. ldbrown web services makes no warranties, guarantees, or representations for event...
Links to tango sites
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Tango Definitions and terms in Spanish and English
gauchos do with the boleadoras (a rope with balls at the end of it) in order to tumble down the cattle.) An ornament. Throwing or swiveling one leg with the knees locked together, usually one behind ...