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DX Guides | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
DX Guides Here at Tango Mike HQ we’ve put together a list of useful resources and documents that are considered essential for the DX operator. Over time we hope to expand the number of available artic...
Downloads Section | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
Downloads Section Welcome to the downloads area of the Tango Mike website. Here you will be able to find items that are useful when DXing. At the present time we’re just setting up this section so ple...
Guide to 11m DX | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
etting Started with DX on the 11m Band This is a small guide with a few links thrown in as an attempt to inform both new and old radio users as to the ways and means of DXing (long distance contacts) ...
Join Tango Mike | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
Join Tango Mike If you are interested in Joining the Tango Mike DX group then basic membership is free of charge. The easiest way to join Tango Mike is to head over to our forums at Transmission1, reg...
Q Codes | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
QRB – How far, approximately, are you from my station QRC – What authority/administration settles the accounts of your station QRD – Where are you bound and where are you from QRE – What is your es...
Group News | Tango Mike 11m Band DX Group
****FROM 21TM555**** Will be active between 24/6 2008 – 27/6 2008. Thats the plan anyway. The island is Öland in the Baltic Sea, south east of sweden. Operator: 21TM555 “In the log”-system will be use...