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Target Shooter Magazine | Dedicated to Target Shooting Sports Worldwide
Dedicated to Target Shooting Sports Worldwide
Target Shooter Magazine | Dedicated to Target Shooting Sports Worldwide | Page 2
Search[1] Primary Menu Skip to content[2] Home[3] About Us[4] Articles[5] Association News[6] GB F Class Association[7] From The Bench[8] National Target Shotgun ...
From The Bench | Target Shooter Magazine
The Savage Model 12 action, which forms the basis of the Savage LRPV rifle and the FTR and Benchrest series of rifles, is quite exceptional – for a mass-produced, moderately priced, factory offering. ...
Target Shooter Magazine | Dedicated to Target Shooting Sports Worldwide
If you’re an accuracy nut and compete at the highest level, then I guarantee you obsess about neck-tension with your homeloads. No, we are not going to talk about neck-turning but we ran an article a ...
A Visit To Resolution Precision | Target Shooter Magazine
The heart of any rifle is the action. If you are serious about your shooting and want to be competitive, it’s pointless trying to save a few bob trying to accurise and re-barrel a Remmy – or what have...
What price accuracy? | Target Shooter Magazine
We talk a lot about accuracy in Target Shooter. It starts with an accurate rifle and equally accurate ammunition - tailored to complement it. Then it's down to the shooter but, an accurate rifle wil...