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Tanzila Ahmed
TANZILA "TAZ" AHMED @TAZZYSTAR an activist, storyteller, and politico based in Los Angeles. Taz was honored in 2016 as White House Champion of Change for AAPI Art and Storytelling and in 201...
Speaking — Tanzila Ahmed
Tanzila would love to come do a workshop for your community.
Poet Text — Tanzila Ahmed
White House. She has self-published four chapbooks, and has been published in poetry books, zines and publications. Since 2012, she's facilitated a Poetry-A-Day for Ramadanwriting group of over 50 d...
Press — Tanzila Ahmed
All of Tanzila Ahmed's media hits.
Instagram Live w/ Ahmed Ali Akbar — Tanzila Ahmed
I am thrilled to be able to talk about my poetry collection The Day the Moon Split in Two with Ahmed Ali Akbar.
All Eyes on AAPI: Taz Ahmed & Laura Misumi — Tanzila Ahmed
All Eyes on AAPI: Taz Ahmed & Laura Misumi