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Chromas and ChromasPro DNA Sequencing Software – Technelysium Pty Ltd
Technelysium has published DNA sequencing software since the popular Chromas program was first released in 1996. ChromasPro assembles sequences using a GUI.
ChromasPro | Technelysium Pty Ltd
ChromasPro performs DNA sequence assembly in a graphical interface, and DNA analysis such as ORF searches and restriction mapping.
Chromas | Technelysium Pty Ltd
Chromas is a free chromatogram (trace) viewer and editor for automated DNA sequencing, featuring automatic vector and quality trimming and many other functions.
Chromas | Technelysium Pty Ltd
Chromas is a free trace viewer for simple DNA sequencing projects which do not require assembly of multiple sequences. Chromas has the following features: Opens .ab1 chromatogram files from Applied ...
Purchase | Technelysium Pty Ltd
Licenses for ChromasPro can be purchased at MyCommerce share-it. Please follow the links above to purchase. For more information about share-it please see their customer care center. ChromasPro can al...