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[TMO] ECU Reset Mythology
The TechnoMotive ECU Theory Series ECU Reset Definition The ECU "learns" about your engine as you drive the car. The "learning" is actually a process that the ECU uses to track the tolerance changes ...
Datalogger Installation
Installing the TechnoMotive Datalogger NOTE! Please be certain to read about the possible side-effects of using the Datalogger found at the bottom of this document. Before You Begin. Note that while ...
"The Diagnostic Port"
Technomotive Presents Question for the week of September 22nd, 1997 (We're going to assume you already know the point and purpose of a wastegate in a turbocharger system, and how it works.) What is th...
89-94 Clutchwire Installation
Figure 3a is a picture from the driver side and Figure 3b is a picture from the passenger side (your views might be slightly different depending upon stereo equipment options installed). The passeng...
89-94 Capacitor Replacement
How to Replace the Capacitors in a 1G ECU This document is provided as a guide for an experienced repair technician. While this repair is not the most difficult one to perform, there are many ways in...
"The Diagnostic Port"
What is "fuel cut"? When the ECU detects a condition that the factory didn't intend the engine to experience, it will try to save the engine using something commonly known as "fuel cut". All of the i...