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TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
We build them, we traverse them, and sometimes we even burn them, for better or worse. For TEDWomen 2017, we'll explore the theme of Bridges, in a city full of crossings and connections: New Orleans.
TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
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TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
HomeProgramSpeakersHostsSponsors News from TEDWomen 2017 Many people hear TEDWomen and wonder: Are men welcome? The answer is an unequivocal “yes!” TEDWomen is a platform ...
TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
HomeProgramSpeakersHostsSponsors Performers Shake âEm Up Jazz Band All-star jazz band In June 2016, Shaye Cohn assembled an all-star, all-...
TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
HomeProgramSpeakersHostsSponsors Artisans The TEDWomen Global Showcase: Building Livelihoods for Refugee Women features 10 artisan enterprises working with refuge...
TEDWomen 2017: Bridges | November 1-3, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana
HomeProgramSpeakersHostsSponsors News from TEDWomen 2017 TEDWomen is the ultimate platform dedicated to accelerating groundbreaking ideas that build a better, more equitab...