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Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
Ingressi If you are partially employed during unemployment or lay-off, the salary you are paid will affect the amount of your unemployment allowance. Read more ...
ABC of unemployment | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
If you are unemployed or laid-off, learn about unemployment benefits through these basic steps.
Claiming the allowance | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
Claims for earnings-related allowance must always be made retroactively. An application for daily allowance can therefore be made only up to the current day. The application must be made at the latest...
Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
Ingressi Työttömyyskassan maksamat etuudet (työttömyyspäiväraha, liikkuvuusavustus ja vuorottelukorvaus) eivät ole palkkatuloa, joten niitä verotetaan eri lailla kuin...
Membership | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
Joining an unemployment fund is like taking out an insurance against unemployment. By joining an unemployment fund you can get bigger unemployment benefits than what Kela pays.
Lay-off | Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
In most cases, those who have been laid-off must act in exactly the same way as those who have lost their jobs. On this page you can find the things that go in slightly different way for those who hav...