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Blogul lui Teo
random things...
Blogul lui Teo: 2009
A hymn for the planet HOME is an ode to the planet's beauty and its delicate harmony. Through the landscapes of 54 countries captured from above, Yann Arthus-Bertrand takes us on an unique journey all...
Blogul lui Teo: 2010
One sperm contains a half of that; that is 37.5MB. One ml of semen contains 100 million sperms. In average, ejaculation lasts for 5 sec and contains 2.25 ml semen. This means that the throughput of a ...
Blogul lui Teo: 2008
pagina wikiiar daca vreti sa vedeti despre ce e vorba puteti sa-l vizionati pe youtube In the Dark Ages, there was a race of heroic Warrior monsters known as Gargoyles. These creatures existed as sto...
Blogul lui Teo: Topul site-urilor din Romania
Personal sunt un pic dezamagit de calitatea site-urilor din acest pare ca inca suntem la inceputuri cu internetul in Romania. Nici ...
Blogul lui Teo: Internet Usage in Europe
Daca va intereseaza cine foloseste mai mult internetul, si cam cum se situeaza Romania in raport cu restul tarilor, atunci internetworldstat...