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Teresa!!! :O)
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Teresa!!! :O): Secrets of Body Language Summary
The History Channel had a special on the Secrets of Body Language and I found the show super interesting. It could almost be a school lectur...
Teresa!!! :O): Good Cause :)
I thought I would pass along the message on my blog... because I just think this is really neat. If anybody wants a good cause to donate to,...
Teresa!!! :O): Mike Stocker!!!! Recognized Locally!
So... Mike Stocker is super inspiring and I really look up to him! He is truly one of the reasons why I wanted to pursue this as a career! W...
Teresa!!! :O): Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs Sneak Preview!
Oh my goodness, Oh MY GOODNESS... I'm so sO SO EXCITED for this! YaY! Here's the website that has the list...
Teresa!!! :O): Huge Update Cont.
Alright, so now that I posted a brief school update.... Here is a long overdue update about everything else! First off, I'm really sorry abo...