Ναυτιλιακή Εταιρεία Καβάλας Thassos ferries
Η Ναυτιλιακή Εταιρεία Καβάλας ιδρύθηκε το 1971 από τον Ισίδωρο Μητσόπουλο.
Είναι μια ελληνική οικογενειακή επιχείρηση που αδιάλειπτα τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια συνδέει το νησί της Θάσου με
τα λιμά...
Kavala Maritime Company Thassos ferries
The Kavala Maritime Company was established in 1971 by Isidoros Mitsopoulos.
The company is a Greek family business that has been operating maritime links for the last forty years between the
island ...
Itinenaries Limenas-Keramoti
05 00, 06 30, 08 15, 10 00, 11 30, 12 30, 14 00, 15 30, 17 30, 19 00, 21 00
06 00, 07 45, 09 30, 11 15, 12 45, 13 45, 15 15, 16 45, 18 45, 20 30
07 00,Μ 09 00, 10 30, Μ12 00, 13...
Ship traffic
Ship traffic
Limenas ticket office: 25930 22426
Kavala ticket office: 2510 835977
Εισιτήρια Λιμένα-Κεραμωτή & Πρίνου-Καβάλας
4.00 €
Tickets are not available on the internet. Tickets can only be purchased from the company booking offices immediately prior to departure.
Limenas ticket office: 25930 22426
Kavala ticke...
Thasos is the northern most island of the Aegean and lies approximately 5.8 nautical miles from the coast of eastern Macedonia. Situated close to the mouth of the River Nestos and the city of K...