Our Program
Our Program is structured around accountability, brotherhood and leading
the man to a personal relationship with Christ.
Our Program
Moderating social behavior
Because abuse can cause damage to the prefrontal cortex, individuals with an addiction issue may not make the same choices and decisions they would if they were sober. Ofte...
Our Program
What will qualify you the most for our program is a willingness to change
and giving up your control. One of our main requirements is that you are
open, willing, and teachable.
Our Program
Our facility is 21,000sq ft , 1950s school building on 15 acres. We have
done the best we can with repairs and upgrades last 11 yrs, however we have
reached our limit on what we can do on our own.
11 APR SUPPORTING A LOVED ONE IN RECOVERY in Addiction by Mandi Harris Recovery from substance addiction, though oftentimes challenging, is possible. Unfortunately, addiction doesn’t only affect...
Our Program
We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Ministry. Each contribution goes to help support
each man in our program.