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theculturelab.umd - Home
We are sociologists at the University of Maryland interested in analyzing cultural frames of social issues and groups; especially those linked to gender, race/ethnic, and class divisions in the U.S. a...
About the Lab
It’s a training lab The Culture Lab is based at the University of Maryland, College Park. It trains graduate students in the systematic analysis of culture with a methodological emphasis on...
What is "Culture"?
“Culture encompasses language, symbols, rituals, everyday practices, values, norms, ideas, the categories of thought and knowledge, and the material products, institutional practices, and ways of...
Culture & Health
Some culture scholars are interested in examining culture's impact on the mental and physical health of the population. Sometimes culture scholars use empirical research to uncover and challenge...
Culture as "Tool Kit"
This contemporary notion of culture as something to be used and drawn upon comes from sociologist Ann Swidler (1986). From this perspective, people do not just live within a culture but use...
Culture as a Way of Life